Art Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Conference 5-8 December 2014
Launceston and Hobart, Tasmania
The Annual Conference of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand will be held in Launceston, Tasmania, 5-7 December 2014, with an optional day in Hobart, 8 December 2014. The conference will be based at the Inveresk Precinct, hosted by the University of Tasmania (Tasmanian College of the Arts and the School of Architecture and Design) and the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.Sessions have been set for one and a half hours, with the expectation (although not the rule) being for three twenty-minute papers, each followed by ten minutes of questions, discussion, explication or commentary from a designated discussant. Session Convenors will tailor the session to best address the concerns set out in the session abstract and with acknowledgement of the conference theme, GEOcritical. Those applying for the ARI sessions should note the specific requirements for those sessions set out in the abstracts.
Proposals for papers must be sent to the Session Convenors listed with each session abstract, not to the AAANZ nor the Session Curators. Where contact details are given for only one convenor, that person has elected to manage the proposals for that session and correspondence should only be with that convenor. Where no contact details (email or phone) are given for convenors of a particular session, that session has already been filled by the convenors: no further papers can be considered for that session however consideration should be given to applying to present in the Open Session.
Proposals should be received by Session Convenors by Friday 29 August 2014.
Download the full Call for Papers
This includes a full list of sessions as well as information on key dates and guidelines for speakers.
Download Participation Proposal form
Download Speaker’s Agreement form
These documents will be also available for download at shortly.
For those intresged in feminism and contemporry art take note particularly of the following panel run by CAF committee memebers Jacqueline Millner and Catriona Moore:
Contemporary art and feminism
Dr. Jacqueline Millner (University of Sydney)
Dr. Catriona Moore (University of Sydney)
There has been an international groundswell in engagement and curiosity about feminism’s role in the development
of contemporary art. ‘Contemporary Art and Feminism’ examines this generative relationship, and feminism’s current
relevance to art making and analysis. Arguably, feminist critique has suffused the thinking of many disciplines, from
art history to literary studies and indigenous history. It has illuminated the assumptions that underpin knowledge and
exposed gaps in perspectives to generate far more complex, inclusive and comprehensive histories and theories,
creating paths to greater social justice and equity. Feminism scrutinizes the building blocks of culture and identity,
seeking to explain how power relations — including those that naturalise gender inequality — are embedded in
knowledges and practices. As such, feminism is one of the ways in which we can most usefully come to an
understanding of our image culture and the way visual images narrativise power relations.